Wednesday, September 30, 2009

// Buy U A Drank.*

babygirl, what's your name.
lemme talk to ya, lemme buy a drink. -t-pain.*

well i'm back so quick, its because i really do owe someone a drink, and a burger, and some fries.!! LMFAO. his name is Clayton. one day after school he got me some wendy's & he supersized that bitch. i was depressed that day cause his asshole of a friend, at the time, hurt my feelings. and clayton made up for it :)

i keep saying i'm going to take the kid, but we just don't have the same schedule! he's making music, making clothes, school, gettin money, and fuckin bitches. he just tryna be successful like trey & drake, i suppose.

omgosh, the boy lives in walking distance from me :( i need to get it together. i get paid every friday but it just doesn't seem like we can ever meet up. :/ so i wrote this blog to you. lol. i haven't forgot, it's just that shit don be matchin with you & me. schedules at that. :/ omgosh. but i do miss you CL8T!

love love, time to do my hair. :)

// School Day.*

for the first time, i won't have a song or the lyrics as i open up this thing. lol. anyways, the blog that i am posting actually happened earlier today at school. i wrote everything down because i really did feel like writing, and i didn't have my laptop to blog, and i found out later on that i could do it all on my fone, but who wants to do all that? anyways, there's alot of things that will be talked about tonight. as you read on my fb and twitter, but you should expect that, from me anyways. :)

the time it took place - 1:11pm.

so, i'm sitting in the cafeteria right now, talking to zaneta oscarmyer, kwilson, pricilla, and suzan witherbitchass. lol

today has been the best so far! i haven't went to any classes lol and don't really plan to. well except my night class that's at 530. we went to mcdonalds and made suzan witherbitchass pay for everything. lol. i honestly didn't have any money, but kwilson held out on her. LOL. then we came back and kwilson and suzan witherbitchass went to class, LATE. it was so much fun hanging out with them today. lol so yeah, me and zaneta walk tonika to class at the hampton iii building. when we were walking back kwilson and suzan witherbitchass was out of class, so we all came to the cafeteria. i got some cheese fries and suzanne witherbitchass gave me two extra dollars! lol their friend bucked on something and suzanne witherbitchass was all giggling, smh. and in her words she "scurried" away. that's cause the only trouble she gets into is breaking curfew and getting caught by the norfolk police! lmao, and she was grounded off that shit. thhheeeeennn i see someone and they tell me i'm "whylin." and i ask how and they can't even tell me.. i say "my blogs" and by the expression on their face, i knew right then and there it was. ok..[PAUSE]

let's get this shit straight motha fucka's. this is MY BLOG WEBSITE. YOU DON'T HAVE TO READ IT. MATTER OF FACT, YOU DON EVEN NEED TO VISIT THE SITE..AT ALL. if all you wanna do it take my shit outta context and make it seem more than what it really is, then bitch i will find a way to help you out and block you. read my shit for what it is, nothing more, nothing less. i don't care if you feel offended, most likely when you reading this and you feelin some type of way about what i'm saying, it has to deal with you. stop reading my shit and running back to people to try and figure things out, you know how to reach me. matter fact, hit me up on my email. leave a comment on the blogs you do not understand. i can help you and explain, why? because i am the fuckin author. it's lewinsky's view, jhasmyn's view. it's for a reason!!!!!!!!!!!!! don exaggerate on my shit, stop being insecure and immature about the situation and just ask me. 9 times outta 10; you personally know me. sooooo why try and talk about wha the fuck i'm sayin to someone else? just ask me.! subscribe and leave comments, k? thanks.

moving on :)

so today i was talking to suzanne witherbitchass and then she went on to talk about how her grandmother has alzheimer's. :/ LMAO. before you think i'm rude for laughing, sit the fuck back and keep reading. we were talking about getting a car, and i told her to ask her grandma and thattt's when she explained her gma had the disease. so then she went on to tell me and the rest of the table a story about how her grandmother [who has alzheimer's] pissed her off. LOL it was because the lady refused to give up the remote, so suzanne witherbitchass decides to tell her grandma that she [suzanne] was indeed Jesus...................................... LMAOOOOOO. wtf, hold on, let's interview her.

JHAS-so suzanne how are you today witcha bitchass?

SWB- not very well!!

JHAS- so sorry to hear that, :)

SWB- no you're not, you're full of shit.

JHAS- anyways, tell us about your grandmother and her alzheimer's? *laughing.

SWB- i don't understand why you find this humerous Jhasmyn. It's not funny, it's a fuckin disease, it's actually sad!!

JHAS - (laughes even harder) sorry witherbitchass. so can you tell us WHY she wouldn't give you the remote? is it because she didn't know you?

SWB- she doesn't like me, witherbitchass!!

JHAS -well damn. is it safe to say that your whole family is some bitchasses??

SWB- HEY!!!!

JHAS- i was just saying...anyways; what happened when you told her you were Jesus??

SWB- she just went crazy and started yelling "what do you mean". she yelled for my mother and told her that Jesus was in the room!!

JHAS -(crying) soo, you got in trouble?

BREAKING [THE FUCKING] NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


-after laughing with others in the cafeteria and replaying that shit 5 times...-

SWB- but yeah, i got sent to my room and my grandma kept pointing at me saying Jesus was in the room.

JHAS- (dying) well damn, sorry to hear that..*still laughing.

shortly after that suzanne witherbitchass had to go. let's go to krystel and see what she has to say about pulling suzanne witherbitchass' chair!!

JHAS -so Krystel, WHY did you pull out her chair? Suzanne witherbitchass, that is.

KWILSON- she wouldn't give me a dollar!! and plus she was throwing zanetta phone on the ground.

JHAS- but you have money, so why did you need a dollar?

KWILSON- why would i spend my own money, when i can spend someone else's money. (laughs) she gave you money and you have money.

JHAS- (whispers)she actually doesn't know that...

KWILSON- why couldn't she give me some money?

JHAS- (laughing) wow! well i never really thought about things like that. well, so if i don't give you a dollar, will you pull my chair out?

KWILSON- it depends, it was just her because if you giving people money, other people money but me, then yeah. :)

JHAS- well thank you Krystel and hopefully whenever you want a dollar i will have it! (laughiing)

LOL. okay, so i thought i was some reporter lady or someone in a magazine interviewing people! i think i might want to change my major to communication, be on people's tv screen or radio station instead of teaching. smh. i don't knoww people i don't know.

however, it's 1032. and i'm running behing schedule, i need to go do my hair. been sitting under the dryer.. lol time to go and do something to it. it's short again :) and all black. shoutout to MS.CIARA GOLDSBORO. she definitely inspired me today with her hair. :)

maybe i'll come back later, but as for now. take it for what it is, nothing more - nothing less. goodnight folks!

// Best I Ever Had, Remix.

she said i'm her errithang, i'm all she ever wanted;
i'ma keep it real trig, you dha best who eva done it;
i'ma give you errithang, tell me what you want, i'm on it;
pocket full of chedda, i swear i can spend whatever on it. -TREY SONGZ.

so i was on facebook earlier today and i was asking people what the heck i should write about because at the moment, i could not think of anything but i do want to write. lol. so before i drift off into whereever; i'm going to speak on the subjects that were mentioned.

- - okayy! so i spell my name J H A S M Y N.* & no, that is NOT the LEGAL way to spell it. but who cares, everyone thinks so. i actually got the name from sitting in class one day in 10th grade, just changing my name because there are sooooooooooooo many girls in this world named jasmine. so i changed mine, and ever since then, i just kept it. i put an H in it because technically it is indeed silent. i took the E off because i wanted to. i think my name is really cute how i spell it. ima spell my daughter name like that. & if you jock, bitch you wack. lol jk.

i honestly can't think of the other things i was suppose to talk about. lol something about my favorite high school well i'm going to save that for tomorrow. omgosh, but my legs are falling asleep on me and my eyes keep closing. so for now, take this & love it. tomorrow will get under the skin. :)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

// Scratchin Me Up *

i love when we touchin, i love when we kissin.
sexing you, you be scratchin me up -trey songz.

:) so this is going to be a quick blog write. i'm sittin here with krystel!! my bestfriend. sittin here talking about how stupid boys are. like i'm going to tell you this quick story. lol. so there was this guy who i was interested in and like things didn't work out. he's wack in areas where i shouldn't even put out on the internet. lol, he's not the best. but anyways, so he tried to carry shit a certain way after we messed around, well boo. JB carries shit hard as a bitch. so guess the nigga finally realize i don't give a fuck and i can do bad all by myself. lol so he says i be on my NAS shit, but foreal its not even like that all the time, it's just i don have time for bullshit shit. lol. so now he wanna act like his feelings is hurt, like i give a damn. lol. so like, me and krys sittin up here laughin at this nigga wack ass texts like.. lol get a life and stop textin me. you're not a good at runnin game as you thought huh? lol. hahaha. talking about can you sit by me in class and that i'm his boo. like nigga really. since when? BURRRR? come again? lol. whatever.

niggas is a triiiiip. but i don fall for em. that's for sure.

but anyways, another thing we were talking about is like.. why people from our past trynna holla now. lol like the same thing you saw in 10 grade is the same thing you looking at now. lol 'cept a bigger ass. lol more toned legs. nothing really dramatically changed. lol like and you waited sooo long to say something. ugh. fall off our dick! lol.

another thing, is there are these two boys at school that we call ROB & BIG. ROB is myyy boo. BIG is KWilson's boo! lmao!!!!!! ROB be starin in my face all the time and BIG just be sittin there looking at KWilson wit slobber comin from his mouth!! LMAO. ugh. ROB be baggin but BIG juss be sittin there. LMAO . KWilson needa stop playin games with his emotions and just give it to him so he can feel like a man!!!!!!!! LMAO. seriously. but anyways, i just wanted to run my mouth real quick. now it's time to go to this wack ass music appreciation class. ugh.!!!! lucky KWilson gets to go home. i should skip.. lol. but KWilson won't let me. so im going to school, after this TREY SONGZ song go off. well see you later on tonight or something. whatever.

-J H A S M Y N*

// The Way I Love You.*

& everytime i see you baby,
i fall in love with you everytime.. -Tamia.

i'm actually back! jhasmyncamille part two!
i've had some time to recover over certain situations & i've learned alot!
now it's time to share. i think i'm ready to share! LOL.
welp, let's start off with myself.
uhh, i'm no longer heart broken! lol, i've finally gotten over some situations. Malkum being one of them. JB being another. I'm in school & it's going okay.. it's school. :) lol. i've realized who my bestfriends are. I'm getting stronger everyday, still eating. LOL. i'm looking for an apartment so i can move out with my bestie KWilson. <3>
Well you're probably wondering how i'm carryin shit wit malk & jb aye?
lol, well. who gives a fuck. lol sike.
JB - i don't talk to him, at all. it's so rare.. i can't even remember the last time i did. & it's no beef. we just.. don't talk. & i'm finally okay with that. i finally realize that people are just gonna go for theirs. & that's whassup i suppose.
Malkum -well, there's alot to say about him. well remember how i was all like i loved him & i really enjoy spending time with him, lol. well how abouttt it was a year we were talking in August & he has a girlfriend!!!! LOL crazy right? Yeahh, i knoww. SMH. But i mean, hey if that's how he wants to do things, then that's fine. at first i was SOOOOOOO UPSET. i mean, like my self esteem hit rock bottom, my heart... wow. i can't even explain how i was feeling. However, after crying and being depressed for weeks, i realized i couldn't continue MY life like this.. i had to use damage control. clearly he doesn't give a fuck about me. so i let shit go.
i'm happy :) like okay, i was honestly in love with him. but you gotta realize you can't just keep giving your all & not get anything. so i decided to change my motto from "it ain trickin if you got it." they lyin. i say "it ain trickin if you got him" HE WON'T MINE! LMAO. so, yeah. i mean i'ma just hold back. that's all.
and i'm happy with that decision. :) i realized today i don't wanna have anything too much to do with either one of these guys.. not for a while anyways.
but while i was going thru my hard times there was this one guy who helped me alot! his name is Linwood! :) even though he won't let me be his bestfriend, i'm still gonna make him let me be one day. lol.
Linwood listened to everything and any little thing i ever had to say! & if it wasn't for him some nights, i probably would of went off somewhere else in life.. off the deep end. so thanks Linwood. :) you're the best too.
but i have class in the morning, i'm thinking today was thursday lol. but it's only monday. so tomorrow i got a 930 & its 1230 right now. i'm going to call it a night. you should too. :)